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Freedom Tech aims to be the single partner for all your IT needs.
We understand there are times that you need just a small tip to resolve an issue. We hope this page helps!
When does my computer get patched?We schedule updates to be run on Fridays and they run throughout the weekend. Updates cannot be completed if you are logged in, so please be sure to log off to the welcome screen.
How can do I lock or log off my screen?To sign out of Windows 10 and 11: -Select Start -On the left side of the Start menu, choose the Accounts icon (or picture) -Select Sign Out For more information and a great step by step guide can be found here: Network Doctor
Why do I have a pop up on my screen saying the Administrator needs to reboot my computer?If you have a pop up saying the computer needs to be rebooted then updates were done but your account was logged in so the computer could not auto reboot. Please allow the computer to reboot and log off the computer on Friday nights.
I have Microsoft 365 on the cloud. How do I get to the web portal?The link to Microsoft's Web Portal is:
How can I setup my Microsoft 365 email on my cell phone?A step by step guide for setting up your Microsoft 365 email on a cell phone can be found here: Microsoft email on Mobile Devices
How can I create a signature in Microsoft 365?A step by step guide can be found here: Create a signature in Microsoft 365
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